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Town of Senec the largest "LED City" in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

Town of Senec will start with comprehensive renovation of its public lighting, resulting in significant cost savings for urban traffic light system combined with an incomparably enjoyable atmosphere of the evening light.

Town of Senec the largest

Town of Senec will start with comprehensive renovation of its public lighting, resulting in significant cost savings for urban traffic light system combined with an incomparably enjoyable atmosphere of the evening light.

The two-year preparations was successful

The whole idea originated more than two years ago, as the city was approached by ECO-LOGIC Ltd. with street lighting upgrade project, which aimed to both reduce operating costs to the system, while improving the quality of light in the evening and thus the safety of local roads. Indispensable positive of the project was proposed mechanism of refinancing from the savings of the project.
Technology in the form of high power LEDs proven more mature markets have shown to be a suitable choice for the pilot.
In collaboration with experts in LED lighting, followed by a thorough two-year testing of LED lights from leading Slovak and European producers "brought more light" to the project.

The town leaders acquired more detailed vision of what kind of character a new street lighting has to have, what the atmosphere should be by the new street light brought to the city's inhabitants and how much potential of energy saving has LEDs to offer.

Over the two years of operation there was no fault or decrease of the light output on the LED test system, which has been an important output information for the town. 

Refinancing project from achieved energy savings is the right way

After successful completion of the pilot project followed the process of raising funds for financing the modernization project.

ECO-LOGIC, as the project creator was ready to lend a hand and in cooperation with financial partner Slovenská Sporiteľňa a.s. (Erste Bank) offered an interesting proposal of 100% financing of energy efficiency projects.

More interesting was to obtain even a grant of 20% of the total value of the project in the event that its implementation proved at least 40% energy savings.

City despite drawing credit facilities to the project can meet its future financial obligations of the savings on electricity.

LED system technology will meet the highest quality standards

The last stage of the project was to prepare a detailed energy audit of public lighting and complex project of modernization with the latest LED lighting design as well. The project counts with the addition of 110 lighting points and exchange of 216 masts and 938 pcs of pools.

All traffic classes ME4b, ME5, ME6, S2 and S4 are designed according to the latest STN EN standards. The new LED street lighting system will use the latest technology as autonomous dimming at night, constant light output throughout the life of LED lamps, or LED modules, which could be replaced on-site without the need for special tools.

Despite the increase in lighting points, calculations confirmed the calculated energy savings across the LED system of nearly 65%! The return on investment is based on eight years (The town will use obtained EBRD grand of 20% to reduce the principal amount drawn down).

The city requires from the contractor at least 15 year warranty on supplied LED lights. Compliance with all required technical specifications of supplied lights in combination with provided guarantees the town of Senec reached an average annual savings on electricity of about 100,000 euros, which will maximize the return on the entire investment.

A well-prepared competitive conditions are the basis of project

It is the largest modernization of similar nature in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, which is a technology and capital-intensive project. The city, in collaboration with the lighting designer Eco-Logic Ltd., an energy auditor Enviros, and experts in lighting technology from the Department of University of STU BA and under the supervision of the project financing partner - Slovenská Sporitelňa a.s. has developed competitive conditions, which set strict criteria to prove the necessary expertise and skills, long experience in the field of public lighting based on LED, appropriate references and financial status of potential candidates. Earlier this year took place tender for the supply and installation of whole project. It also includes a special asymmetrical floodlighting of three riskiest road pedestrian crossings in the city.
The municipality plans to begin reconstruction works at the end April, and finishing the project of modernization is scheduled for October this year.

City have expressed their consent and support of the modernization project of public lighting

"We believe the project in addition to the expected energy savings will also result in safer traffic on local roads and noticeably more pleasant atmosphere for evening walks in the city. Senec also be included among the first cities of Europe, already successfully operating a modern and environmentally friendly LED street lighting and finally contribute to significant reduction in CO2 emissions, thus relieving our shared environment. " evaluate the project Mayor of town Senec - Ing. Karol Kvál.