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Modernization of lightening has brought substantial savings for company Protetika Trade

Achieve considerable savings and significantly increase the intensity and quality of light succeeded in joint stock company Protetika Trade, which was decided to reconstruct complex lighting its central warehouse.

Modernization of lightening has brought substantial savings for company Protetika Trade

Achieve considerable savings and significantly increase the intensity and quality of light succeeded in joint stock company Protetika Trade, which was decided to reconstruct complex lighting its central warehouse.

The idea was to solve complex modernization, including wiring and cable management with an emphasis on achieving energy savings and operating in accordance with local regulations EN.

Finally, the client requested the opportunity to refinance the whole project from savings achieved during the short term return on investment.

With this uneasy entering the Protetika Trade contacted the experts, specializing in comprehensive upgrading of lighting, company ECO-LOGIC s.r.o. (www.ecologic.sk)

The first, necessary step was light-technical inspection of warehouse space. These were precisely defined and systematic working procedure in order to obtain the necessary information about the current state of the lighting system. Correct and professional identification and follow complete proposal of effective posibility how to upgrade the lighting system brought the first view of benefits. Team of lighting engineers made exact project of new position of cables, luminaires and set necessary intensity of new system.

 Part of the standard services offered by ECO-LOGIC was also accurate analysis, which in addition to the calculated return on investment of three years included a detailed review of results achievable 52% saving on electricity, which represents 8,200 Euros, saving on maintenance costs in the amount of 3,650 euros and finally lightened the environment in the form of savings over than 27,000 kg of CO2 emissions per year.

Refinance the whole investment from the savings for a period of return on investment through a mechanism ecoFINANCE was the crucial pillar 

The modernization consisted in the exchange of 420 units of outdated and inefficient lighting, using fluorescent lamps, T8 and T12 mainly on the performance of 2x36, which are characterized by low efficiency, short-lived and the associated frequent maintenance. Due to the preference of short return on investment was chosen cost-effective solution in the form of high dustproof luminaires THORN Aquaforce II using the latest generation of dedicated TL5 2x49W on the performance of high efficiency and lifespan 25,000 hours.On the whole investment has contributed a significant part of the reconstruction of cable routes, and electrical wiring that had to be completely replaced.

 „I am very satisfied with the overall result. Our clients immediately felt the difference in lighting quality. Increased intensity and hence safety in the workplace. Well pleased and huge savings on energy and maintenance costs that modernization has brought." Said the project director for investment development and quality Ing.Vladimír Hrabinský.