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Lidl Distribution Centre

“This distribution centre reflects everything Lidl stands for: sustainability, efficiency, state-of-the-art logistics and equipment. We have succeeded in building the most sustainable distribution centre in the Netherlands.”

Lidl Distribution Centre

This distribution centre reflects everything Lidl stands for: sustainability, efficiency, state-of-the-art logistics and equipment

The company Lidl, founded in Germany in 1930 as a grocery wholesaler, is one of the largest grocery retailers in Europe. In Heereveen, Lidl has opened the most sustainable distribution centre of the Netherlands. No distribution centre on this scale - 46,000 sq metres - has ever earned such impressive sustainability credentials in this country. The interior lighting uses exclusively long-life LED lighting combined with control systems, such as presence detectors and daylight sensors. This is just one of the many sustainability techniques used in the building. Because of that, Lidl was awarded with it a 4-star BREEAM-NL Oplevercertificaat – a first for center of this size.

BREEAM stands for the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method. It’s a recognized standard for sustainable construction. For instance there’s no gas in the building and a thermal energy storage system derives heat directly from the soil. Lidl are using environmentally friendly refrigerants to cool and freeze products. And when you add in the high level of insulation and the triple glazing, the overall energy efficiency is exceptional. As regards the lighting, Lidl already had a strong relationship with Philips following successful installations of LEDs in the supermarket’s and the Dutch head office. It therefore was a natural progression to incorporate the lights internally at Heerenveen.

Philips provided a total lighting solution for the building that focused on sustainability and a reduction in energy consumption and maintenance costs. The distribution centre is equipped with long-life LED lighting of Philips Maxos LED Industry, combined with control systems, such as presence detectors and a daylight-based dimming system that adjusts according to the light entering through the domes. Corridors are divided into sections over 10 to 20-metre stretches. A third of the corridor might be lit at 100%, while the remainder stays at 20%. Outdoors, a similar principle applies. Automatic switches can turn lights on and off and ensure that they’re dimmed when there’s little activity at night. All this leads to an energy saving of 45% a year in comparison with traditional fluorescent strips.

“This distribution centre building in Heerenveen reflects everything Lidl stands for: sustainability, efficiency, state-of-the-art logistics and equipment”, says Séverine van Tuyll van Serooskerken, Press Officer Lidl Netherlands. “Through the very nature of our discount concept, which lies at the heart of everything we do, we are keenly aware of the need to use raw materials and energy sparingly. We are also implementing other measures aimed at protecting the environment. As the result of all these efforts, Lidl has succeeded in building the most sustainable distribution centre in the Netherlands.”