LED lighting offers new possibilities for farmers
The constant pressure to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and the increasingly complicated climatic conditions for traditional crop cultivation create room for innovation in the field of agriculture.
The constant pressure to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions and the increasingly complicated climatic conditions for traditional crop cultivation create room for innovation in the field of agriculture.
Unpredictable weather, prolonged droughts or, conversely, torrential rains, as well as the ever-shrinking area of arable land are the reasons why the growing trend of indoor farming is gaining momentum. And thanks to efficient LED lighting, farmers can create ideal conditions in otherwise limited indoor spaces.
Lower energy costs, significantly reduced heat production as a side effect of large-capacity lighting, and the ability to appropriately adjust the ratio between heat and light are a great tool for increasing yields. And this is even during periods when cultivation in traditional conditions is not possible (winter, months of the year with short days and long nights, etc.), or in places where it was not possible at all. Additionally, the use of agricultural LED lights reduces the need for cooling using air conditioners, chillers and fans and contributes to higher crop productivity and profitability of production companies.