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  • Henkel’s LED lighting trial delivers 75% saving on energy

Henkel’s LED lighting trial delivers 75% saving on energy

In a world where energy efficiency and cost reduction are becoming increasingly important, LED´s fixture helps Henkel to achieve its objectives of cutting power consumption and creating a more efficient lighting system in a trial installation at a waste water plant.

Henkel’s LED lighting trial delivers 75% saving on energy

In a world where energy efficiency and cost reduction are becoming increasingly important, LED´s fixture helps Henkel to achieve its objectives of cutting power consumption and creating a more efficient lighting system in a trial installation at a waste water plant.

LED lights has been installedby Henkel, manufacturer of Loctite and world market leader in adhesives, sealants and surface treatments, at its waste water treatment plant in Puerto Rico. This installation is the firstof a series of LED trials and the results speak for themselves as shown in the photo above.

Henkel was able to save on power consumption and achieve a more efficient lighting systemby using only 12pc  100W LED fixtures to replace 16 of the existing 250W HPSfittings that are used to light the tank and walkways. The result is that energy needs are reduced by 75% and the quality of illumination is vastly improved.  On these light fittingsalone this amounts to an annual energy saving worth almost $3500.

Maintenance manager Edgar Agront commented: “The LED lighting looks brighter and morenatural, a lot less yellow, so people thought that more light had been added when we’ve actually reduced the fixtures by a quarter.”