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Tons of emissions CO₂

Thorn CorrosionForce II LED

Suitable for surfaced/suspended mounting in industrial area

Thorn CorrosionForce II LED
Efficiency121 lm/W
LED lifespan50.000 hours / L80
Warranty5 years
Operating temperature-20 to 35°C
DimmingFIX / DALI (ECG / EDA)

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- unique dual light optic for precise wide angled light distributon - uniform lit diffuser appearance similar to fluorescent - energy saving - dimming - long life – ideal for costly or difficult maintenance areas

More information

Project case studies withThorn CorrosionForce II LED

LED lighting of manufacture's and stock's areas


LED lighting of manufacture's and stock's areas

50 %
11.456 EURyearly
57.280 kg CO₂
2 years11 months
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