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Tons of emissions CO₂

Comperehensive LED modernization of public lighting

LED modernization of public lighting in the village of Machulince

44 %
14.675 kWh
7.500 kg CO₂
15 years
3.821 €


  • LED luminaires Miniluma from PHILIPS
  • Constant light flux technology over the whole lifetime
  • Luminaires with long operating life (100.000 hours)
  • Autonomous luminaire dimming
  • Addition of booms
  • PHILIPS Miniluma 35W | 50 pcs
  • PHILIPS Miniluma 18,5W | 105 pcs
  • PHILIPS Stela Round 33W | 27 pcs
  • PHILIPS Luma 60W | 4 pcs

Initial type of lighting

    • Does not meet STN (Slovak technical norm) criteria
    • Luminaires with low efficiency
    • SHC 70W l 107 pcs
    • CFL 36W l 69 pcs
    • LED 30W l 1 pcs

The results

Upgraded LED lighting system consumes 44 %less power than the original lighting system 3.821 €yearly!

Thanks to economical LED technology, we lighten the environment by more than 7.500 kgemissions CO₂yearly,which represents the volume of emissions that has to be absorbed 375mature trees.

Return of investment achieved 15 years.