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Tons of emissions CO₂

Hriňovské strojárne, a.s.
Reconstruction of lighting in the entire plant

Modernization of lighting in the form of highly efficient LED lamps

59 %
143.500 kWh
155.000 kg CO₂
1 year9 months
22.150 €


  • Efficient industrial lamps
  • Lighting regulation with intelligent sensors
  • Increase in lighting intensity according to STN

Initial type of lighting

    • Industrial discharge and fluorescent lamps at the end of their useful life
    • Absence of control using sensors
    • Frequent failure rate
    • High maintenance costs

The results

Upgraded LED lighting system consumes 59 %less power than the original lighting system 22.150 €yearly!

Thanks to economical LED technology, we lighten the environment by more than 155.000 kgemissions CO₂yearly,which represents the volume of emissions that has to be absorbed 7750mature trees.

Return of investment achieved 1 year9 months.