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Tons of emissions CO₂

Adhex Technologies. Slovakia
Complex implementation of 99kWp photovoltaic system

Projection and realization

9 %
102.561 kWh
10.871 kg CO₂
3 years9 months
27.722 €


  • Analysis of feasibility, savings and return on investment
  • Project documentation for the realization of the work and permits from ZSDIS
  • Professional implementation of the work

The results

Photovoltaic power plant with installed power of 99 kWpachieves annual solar gain of 108 MWh.

From the total annual consumption 1.063 MWhthe PV system will save  9 %

Total consumption of CO₂ emissions of volume 112.707 kgwill be reduced by 10.871 kg which represents the volume of emissions that has to be absorbed 543mature trees.

Annual electricity costs of 287.403 Eurare lowered by more than 27.722 Eur

Return of investment achieved 3 years9 months.

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