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Tons of emissions CO₂

Town of LEVOČA
Modernization of lighting in the city sports hall

Lighting reconstruction using SMART control using DALI

64 %
45.000 kWh
90.000 kg CO₂
2 years10 months
5.500 €


  • Philips' top line of LED spotlights
  • Intelligent control system controlled via touch screen
  • High efficiency of the lighting system
  • Excellent lighting of the playing area
  • Required intensity required

Initial type of lighting

    • Inefficient discharge lamps
    • High consumption and maintenance costs
    • Frequent failure rate
    • Without intelligent control
    • Insufficient intensity for the required activity

The results

Upgraded LED lighting system consumes 64 %less power than the original lighting system 5.500 €yearly!

Thanks to economical LED technology, we lighten the environment by more than 90.000 kgemissions CO₂yearly,which represents the volume of emissions that has to be absorbed 4500mature trees.

Return of investment achieved 2 years10 months.