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Tons of emissions CO₂

National Tennis Center in Bratislava
LED lighting modernization in AXA Arena

LED modernization of lighting in the main hall - AXA Arena NTC including smart lighting control for HDTV broadcast

71 %
217.331 kWh
108.665 kg CO₂
3 years7 months
26.472 €


  • Efficient LED luminaires with the greatest possible asymmetric optics
  • Luminaires exclusively for sports / stadium lighting for HDTV broadcast
  • One-piece die-cast housing consisting of three LED systems / Optimum performance and heat management
  • High energy savings
  • Reconstruction of switchboards
  • Smart DALI light control including touch panel
  • Possibility of dimming each court separately via clear application
  • Monitoring of energy consumption
  • Possibility to create time schedules
  • Increase of the average illumination intensity above the playing area over 800lx / Training court
  • Increase of the average illumination intensity above the playing area over 2000lx / Central court

Initial type of lighting

    • High pressure halide lamp 1000W
    • Long "heating" of lamps to full power
    • Luminaires after their lifetime
    • Extremely inefficient luminaires / High energy consumption
    • High failure rate of the system
    • High maintenance costs
    • Absence of control system

The results

Upgraded LED lighting system consumes 71 %less power than the original lighting system 23.472 €yearly!

Maintenance costs decreased by 3.000 €yearly.

Thanks to economical LED technology, we lighten the environment by more than 108.665 kgemissions CO₂yearly,which represents the volume of emissions that has to be absorbed 5433mature trees.

Return of investment achieved 3 years7 months.